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Mastering Coupons: Offering Discounts to Your Members – One-Time, Duration-Based, or Forever

Offering discounts through coupons is a powerful way to incentivize and reward your members while driving engagement and loyalty on your platform. In this guide, we'll walk you through the different types of coupons you can create to offer your members one-time, duration-based, or ongoing discounts.

With our comprehensive instructions, you'll be able to tailor your discount strategies to meet your business objectives and create a positive experience for your members.

Here's what you can expect to learn in this guide:

  1. Understanding Coupon Types: Get an overview of the different types of coupons you can create, including one-time use, duration-based, and forever coupons.
  2. Creating One-Time Use Coupons: Learn how to create single-use coupons that offer a specific discount, either as a percentage or a fixed amount, for your members to use once.
  3. Duration-Based Coupons: Discover how to set up duration-based coupons, which provide discounts over a set period, such as a week, a month, or a specific number of billing cycles.
  4. Forever Coupons: Find out how to create ongoing discounts for your members by setting up forever coupons, which offer a continuous discount for as long as the user remains subscribed.
  5. Applying Coupons to Plans or Products: Understand how to apply coupons to specific subscription plans or products, giving you greater control over your promotional strategies.

By the end of this guide, you'll be well-versed in creating and managing coupons for various discount scenarios. You'll be able to strategically use one-time, duration-based, and forever coupons to boost member satisfaction, loyalty, and overall platform success. So let's begin your journey to becoming a coupon master!